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Simple One

Daily Hospital Cash

Product Summary

Product Features


Basic Product Name

: Simple One

Description Simple One


: is a one-year life insurance product which covers the risk of Total and Permanent Disability or death due to accident or illness.


Issue Age

: 18 to 60 years of age 

Coverage Period

: 1 year 

Premium Payment Mode

: Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually or Annually

Sum Assured

: USD 300 to USD 5,000 

Medical check-up

: No

Geographic Coverage

: In the Kingdom of Cambodia and Oversea

Annual Premium

: Simple One is a micro life insurance product which is designed with simplicity and convenience. The annual premium is flat for all coverage issue age and gender. 


Gross Annual Premium

For Sum Assured USD 1,000

Issue Age


18 – 60



USD 10.42

Benefit Payment



1. TPD due to accident or illness,

: Claim payment will be calculated based on Percentage of Premium Collected (PPC).

2. Death due to accident or illness

: Claim payment will be calculated based on Percentage of Premium Collected (PPC).

* Insurance policy will be terminated once the claim benefit is made. The amount of claim will be calculated based on Percentage of Premium Collected (PPC).


General exclusions for death:

Insurer shall not pay the claim if the death of the Insured is due to:

a)  Suicide or the Insured is murdered or harm by the beneficiary;

b)  Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) infection, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), or AIDS related diseases;

c)  Attempts to commit or commit any criminal offense or any illegal activities;

d)  Participating in activities such as war, invasion, revolution, insurrection, civil commotion, riot, strike, popular rising against the government, and terrorism;

e)  Any pre-existing conditions which the Insured is suffering before the effective date of insurance policy and this condition shall include any illness, disease or impairments but not limited to cancer, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, stroke, lung disease, kidney disease, and any other chronic illness and injuries.

f)  Any pandemics, refers to a serious disease outbreak defined by the Ministry of Health.

Specific Exclusion for Total and Permanent Disability (TPD):  

      Insurer shall not pay the claim if the TPD of the Insured is due to:

a)  Suicide, attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted injury while sane or insane;

b)  Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) infection, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), or AIDS related diseases;

c)  Participating in activities such as war, invasion, revolution, insurrection, civil commotion, riot, strike, popular rising against the government, and terrorism;

d)  Attempts to commit or commit any criminal offense or any illegal activities;

e)  While the Insured is boarding, alighting from or travelling as a passenger in an aircraft which has no license for carrying passengers and does not operate as a commercial aircraft;

f)   Any result of the Insured performs duty as pilot or flight attendant;

g)   Any result of the Insured performs duty as an armed force (military, police, armed guard) or crime suppression;

h)   Any disability resulting from illness, injury or treatment of the Insured before the day of commencement of the insurance policy;

i)   Any disability arising from the actions of the Insured while under the influence of alcohol level from 0.8 grams per litter in blood upward, or drugs of harmful nature to the extent of being incapable of controlling senses;

j)  Any pandemics, refers to a serious disease outbreak defined by the Ministry of Health.