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“Only 1.2 USD a day, the future of your kid’s study is guaranteed”

1. What is the Study Save Plan?

It is the life insurance plan which provides both financial protection and saving for your family.

2. Features of the plan

- You can choose coverage period of 10, 12 or 15 years;

- Payment mode : monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and annually;

- Issued age : 18 to 55 years;

- Opt to cover spouse and/or kids up to 4 persons.

3. Benefits of the plan 

- Death benefits:

get 100% of sum assured plus 110%, 112% or 115% of total annual

premiums paid (not including interest and extra premium);

- Maturity benefits:

get 110%, 112% or 115% of total annual premiums paid (not including

interest and extra premium).

4. Why Study Save Plan?

- You are a father/mother responsible for your family;

- Saving with the higher protection;

- A guarantee of benefits payment to your chosen loved ones;

- Your kid’s dream still continue by successfully.

Illustrated Example:

Mr. Camroth, 35 years old buys the study save plan. Sum assured $13,300

with 15 years coverage for maturity benefits 10,005 USD

Premium payment:                      

- annually
: 580 USD
- semi-annually : 302 USD
- quarterly : 157 USD
- monthly : 53   USD

Graph illustration of 15 years coverage


With the Study Save Plan of Camlife:

-   If Mr. Camroth passed away in the 6th policy year, the company will pay death benefit

    = 13,300 + (115% x 580 x 6) = 17,302 USD;

-   If Mr. Camroth survives 15 years, the company shall pay 10,005 USD;

-   If Mr. Camroth quits protection in the 6th policy  year, the company will return surrender

= (184.34/1000 x 13,300)=  2,451.72 USD.


This is just an illustrated example, not a contract.